Automate Entrances with Number Plate Recognition

Camera system connected to Aktion and smart video analysis ATEAS can automate and secure entrances to your premises. Thanks to ANPR technology, the cameras can reliably read the license plates on vehicles and will not let a vehicle whose license plate is not in Aktion through. This significantly automates and speeds up vehicle passages into the premises.

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Automatic number plate recognition thanks to AI

Aktion connected with camera system and video-analytical software ATEAS Security automatically recognises approved vehicles by their number plates. It then raises the barrier itself, opens the gate or garage and lets the vehicle into the premises.

In Aktion you can set several scenarios automation after license plate recognition:

🔴 Unapproved number plates and no entry

🟢 Approved number plate and entry permit

🟠 Approved license plate + RFID card confirmation at the reader

The Aktion access control system, connected to the ATEAS camera system and the license plate recognition system (ANPR), can read vehicle registration numbers and open the gate automatically
Aktion recognizes vehicle license plates thanks to Ateas' ANPR system


Aktion reads the license plate
and displays the camera footage

Thanks to Aktion, you can automatically control the real movement of vehicles. For this purpose, you can fast image sequence search passing vehicle in the CCTV footage several days back.

Aktion provides you with a very valuable tool for managing entrances to your premises or company car park. You get an accurate overview about who has been here, for how long, and what the occupancy rate is.


License plate analysis directly
from your phone

You can analyse the number plate directly from your mobile phone using the footage captured by your phone's camera. The function uses ATEAS deep neural networks. The RZs in the image are detected by artificial intelligence. The system recognizes the mark instantly in real time. 

ATEAS using AI determines the nationality of the RZ.

Aktion RZ and face recognition on the display of Apple mobile devices

Example of the Aktion vehicle entry solution

in conjunction with the ATEAS vehicle license plate recognition system.

Aktion online time and attendance for small businesses, construction sites, delivery buses and other companies that just want to record arrivals and departures.

Free presentation and system design

We are trusted in the Czech Republic and abroad

The Aktion number plate recognition system can be found in large enterprises and smaller companies throughout the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

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See what else you can do with Aktion

Aktion is Czech Attendance a Access system that will free your hands.